Manipulation Techniques For Stuck Ring Removal Without Cutting

Do you remove stuck rings often? Have you come across a few stuck rings that you look at and think to yourself “how am I going to get this ring off?” Depending on the stuck ring, there are a few methods that you could pick. If avoiding cutting the ring is the goal, we can help you in your rescue attempt! Every case is different and there can be a lot of factors at play, which makes it tricky to know what techniques you should use when trying to get the ring off. Luckily, we’ve tried and tested many techniques to determine which ones will give you the best chance of removing the ring without cutting and have outlined it all for you below.

To get started, make sure you avoid trying to just pull the ring off the finger. Doing this can irritate the finger causing more swelling, and can be uncomfortable for your patient/customer. The key to successful non-destructive stuck ring removal is using proper manipulation techniques. Remember, slow and steady works! Before you attempt removal, it’s important to assess the hand. If you haven’t yet done this, you can watch the video linked here before moving on.

Before starting removal, it’s important to wear textured gloves as this will help you grip the ring, especially if you’re dealing with a smooth band. Now that you’re all set, the first step is to apply a small amount of lubricant on top of the ring and twist until the lubricant works its way under the band. Make sure you don’t apply too much, as that will make it difficult to grip the ring. For a lubricant, we recommend our specially-designed Ring Rescue lubricant as unlike other lubricants, it won't absorb into the skin making the finger swell up more. This means our lubricant work with you, not against you. Once the lubrication is applied, it is time to begin manipulation techniques. We will outline 5 techniques below that will give you the best chance of non-destructive stuck ring removal.

1. The Corkscrew technique. This is a great technique to use first as it will help you slowly begin to work the ring off of the finger. To do this, you will grip the sides of the ring and twist the ring side to side while working the ring toward the tip of the finger. Remember, slow and steady!


2. The Rocker technique. For this technique you will grip the top and bottom of the band and “walk” the ring down the finger. Using your thumb and index finger, take turns “walking” the top and the bottom in a forward motion toward the tip of the finger. This technique is especially useful when trying to get the ring over the knuckle bone or excess skin.


3. The Countertraction technique. This technique can be combined with any of the other techniques and is very helpful when there is skin bulging. To do this, use the thumb on your opposite hand to pull back the skin at the base of the patient or customer’s finger. This will stretch the skin and help reduce any skin bulging.


4. The 30 degree angle technique. In cases where you are just caught up on skin over the knuckle, have the patient/customer bend their finger to a 30 degree angle. This will tighten the skin, allowing you to get the ring over the knuckle bone.


5. The Claw technique. This is when you make a claw with your hand, and use your fingernails under the band to pull the ring down the finger. This technique is helpful in cases where you are dealing with smooth band that may be difficult to grip.

Before attempting these techniques, shrinking finger size will substantially increase your chance of removing the ring without cutting. The Ring Rescue Compression Device was made to do just that. The device shrinks finger size 100% of the time, and then you can use the techniques outlined above to remove the ring. It is currently being used by healthcare, fire, EMS, jewelry and funeral services professionals around the world who are happy to be saving them self time while providing their patients/customers a higher standard of care.

To learn more or purchase our patented Compression Device and Ring Rescue lubricant, visit our website at

To see all of the manipulation techniques outlined together with a more in-depth explanation, you can watch the video below.


Can You Remove Every Stuck Ring Without Cutting?


The Use Of A Ring Block To Aid In Difficult Stuck Ring Removal Case